Dear Friends, I hope all is well! I’m excited to share that my new album, Beaufort Scales, is available everywhere today from Cold Blue Music. Stream it on your favorite platform or buy a CD or download from Bandcamp. Beaufort Scales was commissioned and performed by the incredible Lorelei Ensemble and conducted by Beth Willer. It was recorded and mixed by…

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I had the pleasure of working with the University of Illinois Wind Symphony and my dear friend, and ongoing collaborator, Lindsay Kesselman on the world premiere of “Darkening, Then Brightening,” five songs based on the poetry of Kim Addonizio. You can watch the premiere video here!

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Dear Friends,  I hope this imminent spring finds you well. I’m writing to share some upcoming performances and announce a new album! This week, on March 7, Lorelei Ensemble, begins of a tour of Beaufort Scales, my 35-minute oratorio for high voices, live electronics, and video at Yale’s Schwarzman Center and continues it later this month to Pennsylvania and Syracuse. The album version…

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Dear Friends, I hope you’re doing well. I’m really excited to let you know about some of the upcoming premieres and performances in the year ahead. 

 This season kicks off with a portrait concert in Basel, Switzerland. As part of a residency with the Laurenz House Foundation, I will present an evening of six…

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I’m profoundly excited to share that the world premiere recording of In a Grove, my new opera written with librettist Stephanie Fleischmann, is available now as a digital download and a limited edition CD (designed by Still Room), and for streaming on all major platforms from In a Circle Records.  The album features the luminous voices of Lindsay Kesselman, Chuanyuan Liu,…

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I am very, very excited to announce the release of IN A GROVE, a new opera written with librettist Stephanie Fleischmann coming out on July 7 on In a Circle Records. The album features Lindsay Kesselman, Chunyuan Liu, Andrew Turner, John Taylor Ward and Metropolis Ensemble was produced by Mike Tierney, Andrew Cyr, and myself. On this album, we’ve gone further than ever…

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Hi Friends, Please forgive the second newsletter in two weeks (I try not to make a habit of it), but I want to alert you that my new EP, The Air Suspended, is out today on New Focus Recordings. You can buy or stream it from your favorite platform here, but I encourage you to buy a download or limited edition…

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Hi Friends, I’m writing to let you know that Northwestern University Opera Theatre will give the Midwestern Premiere of In A Grove tonight and through this weekend, in a new production directed by Joachim Schamberger and conducted by Alan Pierson. There are four performances from November 17-20, in case you’re in the Chicago area. I’ve had a wonderful…

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I’m so lucky and pleased to share this amazing performance by the Cincinnati Symphony, Louis Langree, and soloists Robert Sullivan and Chris Olka. The performance was one of the highlights of the last few years. You can learn more about the piece here.

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The absolutely amazing Julian Velasco has partnered with Nick Zoulek to make this stunning video of the sax version of Liminal Highway. I strongly recommend you check it out!

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